Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Cold weather doll stuff: Basic Coat

Some basic supplies
(for all the winter stuff)

·sewing needle and thread (or a sewing machine if you have one)
·any kind of fabric
·a hot glue gun
·any decorative supplies (ribbon, beads,etc.)
·clay or dough (for cozy foods like cookies)
·crochet hook or knitting needles (optional)
·paint or chalk pastels (again, for the food if needed)

  Let's start with a basic coat. Start by cutting a rectangle that can fit all the way around your doll. Make sure you leave room for a hem. Hem all the sides by either sewing or gluing. Cut armholes. Make the sleeves by measuring a piece of fabric around your doll's arm leaving room for a hem and other cuts. Glue or sew the longer ends. On the end of the sleeve, make small cuts. Refer to the second image below for how you attatch it. If you want you can attatch something so that it can open and close.

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